Aircraft interiors
Aircraft interior modifications are performed by self-contained installation team who complete the modifications at the aircraft, wherever it is located, at the gate or the ramp, domestic or international.
Quality assurance reviews the federal regulations and customer requirement and ensures the adherence to these requirements. Company policies, procedures and related manuals are used to give guidance and methodology for compliance. Regular review of the policies and procedures and adherence to the operations are accomplished with audits conducted internally by quality assurance personnel. In addition, external audits of supply companies are also conducted to assure excellence in all Aero Technik products purchased.
Certification is divided into two separate categories. The first category includes all certification the company has been granted by regulatory entities. These certifications are primarily based on the Federal Aviation Administration, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Commercial Transport Airlines associations. Aero Technik is a FAA certified repair station operation under FAR 145 and FAR 21.303 to produce FAA approved PMA parts and products for the aviation industry. Another important certification that Aero Technik has obtained is the Coordinating Agency for Supplier Evaluation (CASE) 1A certification and registration. CASE is the main standard of the commercial aviation industry for approving suppliers. Aero Technik is registered in CASE and is approved as a supplier to all major airlines.
The second category of Certification is the certification of new parts, products or systems into existing aircraft. To meet rigorous FAA standards, no new product, part or system can be installed on a commercial transport aircraft without going through extensive testing. Aero Technik works with the FAA, Aircraft Certification Office, Flight Standards District Office, Manufacturing Inspection District Office, and many designated Engineering Representative and Designated Airworthiness Representatives to meet certification standards.